Stockholm Pinball - månadstävling, sep 2003

Datum: 2003-09-20
Plats: Lasergame
Lottade Kvalspel: Attack from Mars
Champion Pub
Cirqus Voltaire
Indiana Jones
Scared Stiff
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Theatre of Magic
Twilight Zone
Medelrank för tävlingen: 1405
Användarnamn Startrank Slutrank +/-
DannieBoy 1187 1253 66p
johan 1395 1399 4p
MCR 1508 1605 97p
monstret 1264 1275 11p
Replicant 1403 1387 -16p
RobbseBoy 1396 1340 -56p
S P 1513 1501 -12p
Svante 1479 1466 -13p
TFF 1509 1430 -79p
tungsnubbe 1400 1383 -17p
Användare Omgång 1 Omgång 2 Totalt
DannieBoy 4 0 4
johan 5 0 5
MCR 8 0 8
monstret 3 0 3
Replicant 4 0 4
RobbseBoy 3 0 3
S P 6 0 6
Svante 5 0 5
TFF 3 0 3
tungsnubbe 4 0 4
Omgång 1
Tävlande Spel Vinnare
RobbseBoy - DannieBoy Scared Stiff DannieBoy
Replicant - DannieBoy NBA DannieBoy
Svante - DannieBoy Cirqus Voltaire Svante
tungsnubbe - DannieBoy Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
monstret - DannieBoy Indiana Jones DannieBoy
S P - DannieBoy Theatre of Magic S P
MCR - DannieBoy Champion Pub MCR
TFF - DannieBoy Twilight Zone DannieBoy
johan - DannieBoy TOTAN johan
Replicant - RobbseBoy Cirqus Voltaire RobbseBoy
Svante - RobbseBoy Attack from Mars Svante
tungsnubbe - RobbseBoy Indiana Jones RobbseBoy
monstret - RobbseBoy Theatre of Magic RobbseBoy
S P - RobbseBoy Champion Pub S P
MCR - RobbseBoy Twilight Zone MCR
johan - RobbseBoy Scared Stiff johan
Svante - Replicant Indiana Jones Svante
tungsnubbe - Replicant Theatre of Magic Replicant
monstret - Replicant Champion Pub monstret
S P - Replicant Twilight Zone Replicant
MCR - Replicant TOTAN MCR
TFF - Replicant Scared Stiff Replicant
johan - Replicant NBA Replicant
tungsnubbe - Svante Champion Pub tungsnubbe
monstret - Svante Twilight Zone Svante
S P - Svante TOTAN S P
MCR - Svante Scared Stiff MCR
TFF - Svante NBA TFF
johan - Svante Cirqus Voltaire Svante
monstret - tungsnubbe TOTAN tungsnubbe
S P - tungsnubbe Scared Stiff S P
MCR - tungsnubbe NBA MCR
TFF - tungsnubbe Cirqus Voltaire TFF
johan - tungsnubbe Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
S P - monstret NBA monstret
MCR - monstret Cirqus Voltaire MCR
TFF - monstret Attack from Mars monstret
johan - monstret Indiana Jones johan
MCR - S P Attack from Mars MCR
TFF - S P Indiana Jones S P
johan - S P Theatre of Magic S P
TFF - MCR Theatre of Magic MCR
johan - MCR Champion Pub johan
johan - TFF Twilight Zone johan
Omgång 1, grupp A
Tävlande Spel Vinnare
RobbseBoy - DannieBoy Scared Stiff DannieBoy
Replicant - DannieBoy NBA DannieBoy
Svante - DannieBoy Cirqus Voltaire Svante
tungsnubbe - DannieBoy Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
monstret - DannieBoy Indiana Jones DannieBoy
S P - DannieBoy Theatre of Magic S P
MCR - DannieBoy Champion Pub MCR
TFF - DannieBoy Twilight Zone DannieBoy
johan - DannieBoy Tales of the Arabian Nights johan
Replicant - RobbseBoy Cirqus Voltaire RobbseBoy
Svante - RobbseBoy Attack from Mars Svante
tungsnubbe - RobbseBoy Indiana Jones RobbseBoy
monstret - RobbseBoy Theatre of Magic RobbseBoy
S P - RobbseBoy Champion Pub S P
MCR - RobbseBoy Twilight Zone MCR
TFF - RobbseBoy Tales of the Arabian Nights TFF
johan - RobbseBoy Scared Stiff johan
Svante - Replicant Indiana Jones Svante
tungsnubbe - Replicant Theatre of Magic Replicant
monstret - Replicant Champion Pub monstret
S P - Replicant Twilight Zone Replicant
MCR - Replicant Tales of the Arabian Nights MCR
TFF - Replicant Scared Stiff Replicant
johan - Replicant NBA Replicant
tungsnubbe - Svante Champion Pub tungsnubbe
monstret - Svante Twilight Zone Svante
S P - Svante Tales of the Arabian Nights S P
MCR - Svante Scared Stiff MCR
TFF - Svante NBA TFF
johan - Svante Cirqus Voltaire Svante
monstret - tungsnubbe Tales of the Arabian Nights tungsnubbe
S P - tungsnubbe Scared Stiff S P
MCR - tungsnubbe NBA MCR
TFF - tungsnubbe Cirqus Voltaire TFF
johan - tungsnubbe Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
S P - monstret NBA monstret
MCR - monstret Cirqus Voltaire MCR
TFF - monstret Attack from Mars monstret
johan - monstret Indiana Jones johan
MCR - S P Attack from Mars MCR
TFF - S P Indiana Jones S P
johan - S P Theatre of Magic S P
TFF - MCR Theatre of Magic MCR
johan - MCR Champion Pub johan
johan - TFF Twilight Zone johan
Omgång 1, grupp B
Tävlande Spel Vinnare
RobbseBoy - DannieBoy Scared Stiff DannieBoy
Replicant - DannieBoy NBA DannieBoy
Svante - DannieBoy Cirqus Voltaire Svante
tungsnubbe - DannieBoy Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
monstret - DannieBoy Indiana Jones DannieBoy
S P - DannieBoy Theatre of Magic S P
MCR - DannieBoy Champion Pub MCR
TFF - DannieBoy Twilight Zone DannieBoy
johan - DannieBoy Tales of the Arabian Nights johan
Replicant - RobbseBoy Cirqus Voltaire RobbseBoy
Svante - RobbseBoy Attack from Mars Svante
tungsnubbe - RobbseBoy Indiana Jones RobbseBoy
monstret - RobbseBoy Theatre of Magic RobbseBoy
S P - RobbseBoy Champion Pub S P
MCR - RobbseBoy Twilight Zone MCR
TFF - RobbseBoy Tales of the Arabian Nights TFF
johan - RobbseBoy Scared Stiff johan
Svante - Replicant Indiana Jones Svante
tungsnubbe - Replicant Theatre of Magic Replicant
monstret - Replicant Champion Pub monstret
S P - Replicant Twilight Zone Replicant
MCR - Replicant Tales of the Arabian Nights MCR
TFF - Replicant Scared Stiff Replicant
johan - Replicant NBA Replicant
tungsnubbe - Svante Champion Pub tungsnubbe
monstret - Svante Twilight Zone Svante
S P - Svante Tales of the Arabian Nights S P
MCR - Svante Scared Stiff MCR
TFF - Svante NBA TFF
johan - Svante Cirqus Voltaire Svante
monstret - tungsnubbe Tales of the Arabian Nights tungsnubbe
S P - tungsnubbe Scared Stiff S P
MCR - tungsnubbe NBA MCR
TFF - tungsnubbe Cirqus Voltaire TFF
johan - tungsnubbe Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
S P - monstret NBA monstret
MCR - monstret Cirqus Voltaire MCR
TFF - monstret Attack from Mars monstret
johan - monstret Indiana Jones johan
MCR - S P Attack from Mars MCR
TFF - S P Indiana Jones S P
johan - S P Theatre of Magic S P
TFF - MCR Theatre of Magic MCR
johan - MCR Champion Pub johan
johan - TFF Twilight Zone johan
Omgång 1, grupp C
Tävlande Spel Vinnare
RobbseBoy - DannieBoy Scared Stiff DannieBoy
Replicant - DannieBoy NBA DannieBoy
Svante - DannieBoy Cirqus Voltaire Svante
tungsnubbe - DannieBoy Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
monstret - DannieBoy Indiana Jones DannieBoy
S P - DannieBoy Theatre of Magic S P
MCR - DannieBoy Champion Pub MCR
TFF - DannieBoy Twilight Zone DannieBoy
johan - DannieBoy Tales of the Arabian Nights johan
Replicant - RobbseBoy Cirqus Voltaire RobbseBoy
Svante - RobbseBoy Attack from Mars Svante
tungsnubbe - RobbseBoy Indiana Jones RobbseBoy
monstret - RobbseBoy Theatre of Magic RobbseBoy
S P - RobbseBoy Champion Pub S P
MCR - RobbseBoy Twilight Zone MCR
TFF - RobbseBoy Tales of the Arabian Nights TFF
johan - RobbseBoy Scared Stiff johan
Svante - Replicant Indiana Jones Svante
tungsnubbe - Replicant Theatre of Magic Replicant
monstret - Replicant Champion Pub monstret
S P - Replicant Twilight Zone Replicant
MCR - Replicant Tales of the Arabian Nights MCR
TFF - Replicant Scared Stiff Replicant
johan - Replicant NBA Replicant
tungsnubbe - Svante Champion Pub tungsnubbe
monstret - Svante Twilight Zone Svante
S P - Svante Tales of the Arabian Nights S P
MCR - Svante Scared Stiff MCR
TFF - Svante NBA TFF
johan - Svante Cirqus Voltaire Svante
monstret - tungsnubbe Tales of the Arabian Nights tungsnubbe
S P - tungsnubbe Scared Stiff S P
MCR - tungsnubbe NBA MCR
TFF - tungsnubbe Cirqus Voltaire TFF
johan - tungsnubbe Attack from Mars tungsnubbe
S P - monstret NBA monstret
MCR - monstret Cirqus Voltaire MCR
TFF - monstret Attack from Mars monstret
johan - monstret Indiana Jones johan
MCR - S P Attack from Mars MCR
TFF - S P Indiana Jones S P
johan - S P Theatre of Magic S P
TFF - MCR Theatre of Magic MCR
johan - MCR Champion Pub johan
johan - TFF Twilight Zone johan
Tävlande1 Tävlande2 Spel
MCR (v) johan Scared Stiff
johan MCR (v) Scared Stiff
Svante S P (v) Cirqus Voltaire
S P Svante (v) Scared Stiff
S P (v) Svante Attack from Mars
Bronsmatch (spelades på NBA (Oavgjort))
Tävlande1 Tävlande2
johan Svante
S P 400 000 000 MCR 600 000 000
MCR 15 474 040 S P 4 746 320