Flipper-VM sep 2016

Datum: 2016-10-07
Plats: Söderbiljarden
Lottade Kvalspel:
Attack From Mars (AFM)
Game of Thrones (Game of Thrones)
Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters)
Junkyard (Junkyard)
KIScared Stiff (KISS)
Pirates of the Carribean (Pirates of the Carribean)
Star Trek (Star Trek)
The Walking Dead (The Walking Dead)
Transformers (Transformers)
Medelrank för tävlingen: 1640
Användarnamn Tag Startrank Slutrank +/-
306 haj 1704 1666 -38p
DAH DAH 1717 1751 34p
EKAEKA EKA 1719 1699 -20p
Flaggis MLU 1518 1543 25p
GNN GNN 1622 1564 -58p
Grandelius PER 1599 1618 19p
ike ike 1567 1593 26p
img IMG 1658 1645 -13p
JAW JAW 1746 1763 17p
joake JFB 1530 1533 3p
johan JOS 1666 1679 13p
jos JOS2 1635 1574 -61p
Klatte K H 1662 1672 10p
LEC LEC 1497 1546 49p
Leffe LEF 1603 1611 8p
mice MMT 1661 1588 -73p
MIW MIW 1673 1685 12p
Nedo NED 1670 1636 -34p
OGM OGM 1645 1674 29p
OPT OPT 1736 1768 32p
REO REO 1651 1697 46p
Replicant LHA 1637 1656 19p
S P S P 1821 1823 2p
Sandra SAN 1511 1517 6p
skagget ACE 1681 1668 -13p
Slapsave MAG 1606 1595 -11p
snailit PMB 1660 1652 -8p
Turnis EMA 1581 1558 -23p
Uncle3D UTD 1574 1576 2p
Plats Spelare GP-Poäng
1. S P 7
2. JAW 5
4. Replicant 3
5. OGM 1
6. skagget 1
7. johan 1
8. REO 1
Tävlande Omg Spel Vinnare
Slapsave - OGM 1 Game of Thrones Slapsave
Slapsave - DAH 1 Game of Thrones Slapsave
Slapsave - GNN 1 Game of Thrones Slapsave
OGM - DAH 1 Game of Thrones OGM
OGM - GNN 1 Game of Thrones OGM
DAH - GNN 1 Game of Thrones DAH
DAH - Slapsave 2 AFM DAH
OGM - Slapsave 2 AFM OGM
Slapsave - GNN 2 AFM Slapsave
OGM - DAH 3 Ghostbusters OGM
OGM - Slapsave 3 Ghostbusters OGM
OGM - GNN 3 Ghostbusters OGM
DAH - Slapsave 3 Ghostbusters DAH
DAH - GNN 3 Ghostbusters DAH
Slapsave - GNN 3 Ghostbusters Slapsave
DAH - OGM 4 Star Trek DAH
DAH - GNN 4 Star Trek DAH
DAH - Slapsave 4 Star Trek DAH
OGM - GNN 4 Star Trek OGM
OGM - Slapsave 4 Star Trek OGM
GNN - Slapsave 4 Star Trek GNN
DAH - GNN 5 Junkyard DAH
DAH - Slapsave 5 Junkyard DAH
DAH - OGM 5 Junkyard DAH
GNN - Slapsave 5 Junkyard GNN
GNN - OGM 5 Junkyard GNN
Slapsave - OGM 5 Junkyard Slapsave
DAH - OGM 6 Transformers DAH
DAH - Slapsave 6 Transformers DAH
DAH - GNN 6 Transformers DAH
OGM - Slapsave 6 Transformers OGM
OGM - GNN 6 Transformers OGM
Slapsave - GNN 6 Transformers Slapsave
Turnis - REO 1 Junkyard Turnis
Turnis - Nedo 1 Junkyard Turnis
REO - Nedo 1 Junkyard REO
REO - Nedo 2 Transformers REO
REO - Turnis 2 Transformers REO
Nedo - Turnis 2 Transformers Nedo
REO - Nedo 3 The Walking Dead REO
REO - Turnis 3 The Walking Dead REO
Nedo - Turnis 3 The Walking Dead Nedo
REO - Turnis 4 KISS REO
Turnis - Nedo 4 KISS Turnis
REO - Nedo 5 Pirates of the Carribean REO
REO - Turnis 5 Pirates of the Carribean REO
Nedo - Turnis 5 Pirates of the Carribean Nedo
Nedo - REO 6 Game of Thrones Nedo
Nedo - Turnis 6 Game of Thrones Nedo
REO - Turnis 6 Game of Thrones REO
EKAEKA - joake 1 The Walking Dead EKAEKA
EKAEKA - Flaggis 1 The Walking Dead EKAEKA
joake - Flaggis 1 The Walking Dead joake
Flaggis - joake 2 KISS Flaggis
joake - EKAEKA 3 Pirates of the Carribean joake
joake - Flaggis 3 Pirates of the Carribean joake
EKAEKA - Flaggis 3 Pirates of the Carribean EKAEKA
Flaggis - joake 4 Game of Thrones Flaggis
Flaggis - EKAEKA 4 Game of Thrones Flaggis
joake - EKAEKA 4 Game of Thrones joake
Flaggis - joake 5 AFM Flaggis
Flaggis - EKAEKA 5 AFM Flaggis
joake - EKAEKA 5 AFM joake
EKAEKA - Flaggis 6 Ghostbusters EKAEKA
EKAEKA - joake 6 Ghostbusters EKAEKA
Flaggis - joake 6 Ghostbusters Flaggis
Grandelius - S P 1 Transformers Grandelius
Grandelius - img 1 Transformers Grandelius
S P - img 1 Transformers S P
S P - img 2 The Walking Dead S P
S P - Grandelius 2 The Walking Dead S P
img - Grandelius 2 The Walking Dead img
S P - img 3 KISS S P
S P - Grandelius 3 KISS S P
img - Grandelius 3 KISS img
Grandelius - S P 4 Pirates of the Carribean Grandelius
Grandelius - img 4 Pirates of the Carribean Grandelius
S P - img 4 Pirates of the Carribean S P
S P - Grandelius 5 Game of Thrones S P
S P - img 5 Game of Thrones S P
Grandelius - img 5 Game of Thrones Grandelius
img - Grandelius 6 AFM img
img - S P 6 AFM img
Grandelius - S P 6 AFM Grandelius
jos - Uncle3D 1 AFM jos
jos - JAW 1 AFM jos
jos - LEC 1 AFM jos
Uncle3D - JAW 1 AFM Uncle3D
Uncle3D - LEC 1 AFM Uncle3D
JAW - Uncle3D 2 Ghostbusters JAW
JAW - LEC 2 Ghostbusters JAW
JAW - jos 2 Ghostbusters JAW
Uncle3D - LEC 2 Ghostbusters Uncle3D
Uncle3D - jos 2 Ghostbusters Uncle3D
LEC - jos 2 Ghostbusters LEC
jos - JAW 3 Star Trek jos
jos - LEC 3 Star Trek jos
jos - Uncle3D 3 Star Trek jos
JAW - LEC 3 Star Trek JAW
JAW - Uncle3D 3 Star Trek JAW
LEC - Uncle3D 3 Star Trek LEC
JAW - Uncle3D 4 Junkyard JAW
JAW - LEC 4 Junkyard JAW
JAW - jos 4 Junkyard JAW
Uncle3D - LEC 4 Junkyard Uncle3D
Uncle3D - jos 4 Junkyard Uncle3D
LEC - jos 4 Junkyard LEC
JAW - LEC 5 Transformers JAW
JAW - Uncle3D 5 Transformers JAW
JAW - jos 5 Transformers JAW
LEC - Uncle3D 5 Transformers LEC
LEC - jos 5 Transformers LEC
Uncle3D - jos 5 Transformers Uncle3D
LEC - Uncle3D 6 KISS LEC
LEC - jos 6 KISS LEC
JAW - Uncle3D 6 KISS JAW
JAW - jos 6 KISS JAW
Uncle3D - jos 6 KISS Uncle3D
skagget - Replicant 1 Pirates of the Carribean skagget
skagget - Sandra 1 Pirates of the Carribean skagget
skagget - Klatte 1 Pirates of the Carribean skagget
Replicant - Sandra 1 Pirates of the Carribean Replicant
Replicant - Klatte 1 Pirates of the Carribean Replicant
Sandra - Klatte 1 Pirates of the Carribean Sandra
Replicant - skagget 2 Game of Thrones Replicant
Replicant - Klatte 2 Game of Thrones Replicant
Replicant - Sandra 2 Game of Thrones Replicant
skagget - Klatte 2 Game of Thrones skagget
skagget - Sandra 2 Game of Thrones skagget
Klatte - Sandra 2 Game of Thrones Klatte
skagget - Replicant 3 AFM skagget
skagget - Klatte 3 AFM skagget
skagget - Sandra 3 AFM skagget
Replicant - Klatte 3 AFM Replicant
Replicant - Sandra 3 AFM Replicant
Klatte - Sandra 3 AFM Klatte
Replicant - Klatte 4 Ghostbusters Replicant
Replicant - skagget 4 Ghostbusters Replicant
Replicant - Sandra 4 Ghostbusters Replicant
Klatte - skagget 4 Ghostbusters Klatte
Klatte - Sandra 4 Ghostbusters Klatte
skagget - Sandra 4 Ghostbusters skagget
Klatte - Sandra 5 Star Trek Klatte
Klatte - Replicant 5 Star Trek Klatte
Klatte - skagget 5 Star Trek Klatte
Sandra - Replicant 5 Star Trek Sandra
Sandra - skagget 5 Star Trek Sandra
Replicant - skagget 5 Star Trek Replicant
Klatte - Sandra 6 Junkyard Klatte
Klatte - skagget 6 Junkyard Klatte
Klatte - Replicant 6 Junkyard Klatte
Sandra - skagget 6 Junkyard Sandra
Sandra - Replicant 6 Junkyard Sandra
skagget - Replicant 6 Junkyard skagget
OPT - MIW 1 Star Trek OPT
OPT - Leffe 1 Star Trek OPT
OPT - mice 1 Star Trek OPT
MIW - Leffe 1 Star Trek MIW
MIW - mice 1 Star Trek MIW
Leffe - mice 1 Star Trek Leffe
OPT - MIW 2 Junkyard OPT
OPT - Leffe 2 Junkyard OPT
OPT - mice 2 Junkyard OPT
MIW - Leffe 2 Junkyard MIW
MIW - mice 2 Junkyard MIW
Leffe - mice 2 Junkyard Leffe
OPT - mice 3 Transformers OPT
OPT - MIW 3 Transformers OPT
OPT - Leffe 3 Transformers OPT
mice - MIW 3 Transformers mice
mice - Leffe 3 Transformers mice
MIW - Leffe 3 Transformers MIW
OPT - Leffe 4 KISS OPT
OPT - mice 4 KISS OPT
Leffe - mice 4 KISS Leffe
Leffe - MIW 4 KISS Leffe
mice - MIW 4 KISS mice
MIW - Leffe 5 Game of Thrones MIW
MIW - OPT 5 Game of Thrones MIW
MIW - mice 5 Game of Thrones MIW
Leffe - OPT 5 Game of Thrones Leffe
Leffe - mice 5 Game of Thrones Leffe
OPT - mice 5 Game of Thrones OPT
OPT - Leffe 6 AFM OPT
OPT - mice 6 AFM OPT
MIW - Leffe 6 AFM MIW
MIW - mice 6 AFM MIW
Leffe - mice 6 AFM Leffe
ike - johan 1 Ghostbusters ike
ike - snailit 1 Ghostbusters ike
ike - 306 1 Ghostbusters ike
johan - snailit 1 Ghostbusters johan
johan - 306 1 Ghostbusters johan
snailit - 306 1 Ghostbusters snailit
snailit - johan 2 Star Trek snailit
snailit - 306 2 Star Trek snailit
snailit - ike 2 Star Trek snailit
johan - 306 2 Star Trek johan
johan - ike 2 Star Trek johan
306 - ike 2 Star Trek 306
ike - snailit 3 Junkyard ike
ike - 306 3 Junkyard ike
ike - johan 3 Junkyard ike
snailit - 306 3 Junkyard snailit
snailit - johan 3 Junkyard snailit
306 - johan 3 Junkyard 306
johan - ike 4 Transformers johan
johan - snailit 4 Transformers johan
johan - 306 4 Transformers johan
ike - snailit 4 Transformers ike
ike - 306 4 Transformers ike
snailit - 306 4 Transformers snailit
johan - 306 5 The Walking Dead johan
johan - ike 5 The Walking Dead johan
johan - snailit 5 The Walking Dead johan
306 - ike 5 The Walking Dead 306
306 - snailit 5 The Walking Dead 306
ike - snailit 5 The Walking Dead ike
306 - snailit 6 KISS 306
306 - johan 6 KISS 306
306 - ike 6 KISS 306
snailit - johan 6 KISS snailit
snailit - ike 6 KISS snailit
johan - ike 6 KISS johan
Tävlande1 Tävlande2 Spel
johan (v) LEC KISS
LEC (v) johan Pirates of the Carribean
johan (v) LEC Game of Thrones
JAW (v) Flaggis Pirates of the Carribean
JAW (v) Flaggis Game of Thrones
S P (v) MIW Game of Thrones
S P (v) MIW Ghostbusters
DAH (v) OGM Ghostbusters
OGM (v) DAH Star Trek
Replicant (v) ike Ghostbusters
ike (v) Replicant Junkyard
Replicant (v) ike Transformers
EKAEKA (v) Grandelius Star Trek
EKAEKA (v) Grandelius Junkyard
skagget (v) OPT Junkyard
skagget (v) OPT Transformers
REO (v) Nedo Transformers
REO (v) Nedo The Walking Dead
OGM (v) EKAEKA The Walking Dead
EKAEKA (v) OGM Pirates of the Carribean
JAW (v) johan AFM
johan (v) JAW Ghostbusters
JAW (v) johan Star Trek
Replicant (v) skagget Pirates of the Carribean
skagget (v) Replicant Game of Thrones
Replicant (v) skagget AFM
S P (v) REO Star Trek
S P (v) REO Junkyard
Tävlande1 Tävlande2 Spel
S P (v) Replicant Star Trek
Replicant (v) S P Transformers
S P (v) Replicant KISS
JAW (v) EKAEKA Game of Thrones
JAW (v) EKAEKA Ghostbusters
Tävlande1 Tävlande2 Spel
EKAEKA (v) Replicant Game of Thrones
Finalist 1 Finalist 2 Spel
S P (v) JAW Transformers
S P (v) JAW Game of Thrones
Inga bilder uppladdade